Maximize the Hidden Talents of Your Employees:
How to Leverage Your Staff's Abilities to Market Your Medical Practice

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

Imagine, if just for a second, every person on your staff maximized 100% of their abilities and came to work each day with a positive, motivating attitude simply because they enjoyed the work they completed each day.

Think about what your practice could accomplish, what you could accomplish, with such high levels of employee engagement.

Habitually, physicians feel they must take on the world alone. When you work so hard to build your practice and to provide superior patient care, it can be hard to relinquish control or to step back and see the bigger picture.

Leveraging the creative and hidden talents in your employees can help your practice do more, help you to stress less and help your employees feel like they play a more active role in the success of your business.

Below are some examples of unique and valuable employees you may have on your staff right now, waiting for you to tap into their talents.

The Writing Whiz

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

In modern marketing, content is king (or queen).

Having a talented writer on staff is invaluable. He or she can review your website, printed brochures, email campaigns and social media posts for grammar, punctuation and quality of content. This writer can also propose new content to improve patient engagement and keep your website updated with new services and treatments offered.

The Social Media Specialist

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

We all know them and can spot them, even when they think they are sly. They sneak away to take a selfie or leave their Facebook up when they step away from their desk. While the social media addicts of the world may seem like nuisances, hold off before you make them unplug.

Many turn to social media sites while on the job because they are bored. Why not utilize their penchant for all things digital to enhance your online presence? Have the social media specialist in your office monitor, update and propose new ideas for your social media sites.

The Picturesque Photographer

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

Photography for most is simply a hobby, taking pictures at family gatherings, out with friends or to capture a funny or beautiful moment.

With a keen eye and honed skills, an employee's photography talent can help improve your website’s aesthetics. Including high-quality images of your office and equipment, as well as headshots of staff members and physicians, make your website more personable. This puts a face on the care a potential patient is seeking.

The Persuasive Professional

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

Persuasive individuals often are the influencers in your office, impacting the overall office environment for both staff and patients. They are gifted in articulating their ideas and beliefs, and you lean on them to jump on board with new concepts or policies.

While they may have dominated their high school debate time or have been destined for law school, convincing, charismatic people lend well to sales strategies and patient conversion rates. A persuasive professional is incredibly effective cross-selling products and services offered in your office such as dietary supplements, facials or teeth whitening treatments.

The same person is also someone you can trust on the phone with new patient inquiries. An upbeat nature and smile can be felt over a phone conversation and could mean the difference between a general inquiry and a booked first appointment.

The Energetic Educator

Leverage the Hidden Talents of Your Employees

We took this one straight from our personal experience at WebToMed. When a new staff member comes on board, you may feel inundated with initial training, the ongoing guidance required and the common questions that arise. A natural educator on your team takes his own experience and training and trains new employees before it is even asked of him.

You may have hidden talents among your staff members that you are underutilizing. Create a list of your employees today and identify their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities you see for their professional growth.

Employee satisfaction and retention are driven by culture. Establishing a culture where you value your staff’s unique abilities and put them to good use in your practice will pay dividends.

Tags: Practice Building, Practice Management, Content Management, Social Media

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